Other Documents
Simple Will and Reciprocal Simple Will for Spouse
As the name implies, these documents provide for the disposition of the client’s and spouse’s assets without the use of any trust vehicle. It provides simply that all the client’s assets will pass to the spouse, if any, and otherwise to the client’s issue, or other specifically named individuals or entities, without any significant conditions imposed on the bequests.
Durable Power of Attorney
This instrument is designed to enable the named attorney-in-fact to do virtually anything the client could personally do. The power is designed to meet the statutory requirements of a durable power of attorney, meaning that it will endure through any disability, unlike a normal power of attorney which is revoked under common law in the event of one’s disability.
Living Will/Health Care Proxy
The health care proxy (or “living will”) can contain an expression of intent that the client does not wish to have heroic measures taken for maintenance of life when there is no realistic hope of recovery. An agent is appointed to make any and all health care decisions on behalf of the client if the client is unable to do so at any time.
Estate Tax Analysis
Lawyers Service Center also offers an estate tax analysis designed to show the potential estate tax liability that a client may have. This analysis is particularly helpful for married couples as it highlights the potential estate tax savings that can be achieved through the use of marital deduction trusts as well as irrevocable insurance trusts.
Lawyers Service Center can design virtually any document for your client. Call us at (781) 769-5908 and we will discuss what you need.