Trust Options
The documents Lawyers Service Center provides can be custom tailored to fit any client's needs. Listed below are some of the many options available, together with an explanation of each possible selection.
There are several categories of options available. They include:
- Marital Trust options. (These relate strictly to choices involving the marital deduction share.)
- Family Trust options. (These relate to the options available for the "by-pass" trust in a typical marital deduction trust, as well as the options available in general for the ultimate distribution to children or other beneficiaries.)
- Miscellaneous options. (These include such choices as setting the minimum age for beneficiaries to be entitled to outright distributions, the ultimate beneficiary in the event all the primary beneficiaries fail to survive, successor trustee options, and more.)
The options included here are just some of the options generally available. All of them can be modified from case to case and others can be included as well.